Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What would Gandhi say?

I've debated for some time about whether to do this. But I finally decided to go through with a collection of nutty internet forum quotes from Ron Paul supporters. Is it nut-picking? Of course it is. But I firmly believe that if one were so inclined, one could compile a list a hundred times this length.

So. I promise they're not made up. These are just a few of the many wacky things said online by Ron Paul supporters:

"look the plan is to let bang bang i will kill you if you are different obama, mitt is there to look good oh he has nice hair there is no change there never was going to be thay will & have set fema camps up for you .look if you want change LOOK AT IT ron paul will put the usa & world back too greatness if that is what you wont ,but if you wont evil vote mitt or bang bang LAST CHANCE.good luck." -- nellyyllen1, YouTube

"A question for the Ron Paul voters:

If Mr. Ron Paul was elected President of the United States, would he release the classified files about UFOs?

Would he disclose all information about HAARP and its use as a weapon of mass destruction?

Would he start a serious investigation about 9/11 and disclose the truth about the flase flag attacks?

Or not? Or will him keep the secrets of the Military–industrial complex?" -- IWantTheTruth, GodLikeProductions

(Part of a discussion of whether Ron Paul is a Reptoid) "Anything is possible, but if he is, he is the most cunning reptile ever as he displays none of thier traits.

The best of the rest all display some form of snobbery/stupidity/callous/sexual diviance. They can't avoid it as its part of thier genetic makeup.

Paul never displays any of these traits, he's always %100 honest and correct and he always behaves like a human being.

I'm prepared for anything, but as of now I stand behind him with no doubts." - Crisitunity, davidicke.com

Check back for more!

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