Saturday, February 4, 2012

Law enforcement expert refutes his characterization in Ron Paul Political Report

The conversation on Ron Paul's newsletters is getting a bit crowded, with aforementioned reporting done by the Washington Post citing former RP newsletter staffers saying that Paul was very much involved with the creation of his newsletters and that if he didn't write the "bad stuff," he certainly signed off on it.

While reading the June 1990 PDF of the Ron Paul Political Report, I noticed a passage about "race war." These were ubiquitous in Paul's newsletters both before and after the L.A. riots sparked by the controversial Rodney King beating verdict. But this one was a bit unique in that it cited a source.

On page 2, the newsletter starkly stated:

"Veteran FBI agent William L. Tafoya says we are headed for race war."

So I looked up William Tafoya. As it turns out, he's made a career of looking to the horizon of issues facing law enforcement, often projecting current trends in technology and politics into the future. So I was wondering whether this seemingly well-regarded law enforcement professional had really said the United States was "headed for race war."

Here's the e-mail I sent him:

Professor Tafoya, I was hoping to get your response to a claim made in the June 1990 edition of the Ron Paul Political Report.
In that edition, an item entitled "Race War?" quotes you as saying that "we are headed for race war -- public insurrections that will make the 1960s look mild ..."
I write a blog about Ron Paul's candidacy and was hoping you could shed some light on this.

A few days later, I received an interesting response. Professor Tafoya attached a list of predictions based on his 1986 Ph.D. dissertation, linked here. Professor Tafoya implied that several sources, including the Political Report, had cited it. Here's the pertinent prediction:

1999: Urban unrest and civil disorder (as occurred in the 1960s and 1970s), will take place throughout the United States. This new violence will eclipse the duration and magnitude of past like-occurrences. Some scholars believe the April 1992 Los Angeles Riots (Rodney King incident) were the culmination of this forecast.

Nowhere, of course, is there any mention of "race war." As Professor Tafoya explained in his e-mail:
By some accounts the events in that forecast came early—1992—in the aftermath of the trial/acquittal of the police officers involved in the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles a year earlier. I do not foresee a "race war" in America's near term (2012 – 2020) future. Syria, Iran, other Middle Eastern & South American countries, are experiencing economic, political, & social upheaval as we speak. But, not in the USA.

The bolding and underlining, by the way, were in Professor Tafoya's original e-mail. Not only did Ron Paul either predict, or condone the prediction, of "race war in America," he falsely characterized the position of a regarded law enforcement expert in so doing.

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