Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ron Paul's newsletters -- everything I could find -- Part II

As I wrote before, The New Republic recently released a new treasure trove of Ron Paul newsletters, solicitations and campaign materials -- 25 PDF files, which I put on FileDen along with the original 35-file post to create a one-stop shop for even more Paul-related PDFs.

I'm only linking to 24 of the files, as one is duplicated in the TNR report.

Here we go with the links and commentary ...

The Ron Paul Investment Letter, December 1986: Remember the classic scenes from The Sopranos when two characters would engage in a "conversation" but each would only be talking about what he wanted to talk about? This RPIL edition reminds me of that. Pretty tame stuff by Paul's standards, but the lead story, about how conservative columnist George Will and others have "joined the Trilateral Commission," makes me wonder what investment choices I would have made on the basis of that ... information. The recently linked Washington Post article has a possible explanation -- apparently sales were foundering until Paul & Co. juiced these things up with controversial statements and pitched it to the mailing list of a White Supremacist rag. (See the previous post.)

Political Report, November 1987: Ever wonder where all that FEMA hysteria originated? We may have a candidate for Patient Zero here. This newsletter shows the real reason libertarians oppose war -- not because it involves killing people, but because it grows government. Get a kick, however, out of its portrayal of President Reagan as pro-welfare.

Political Report, March 1988: I'm getting all nostalgic! Here's a document accusing President Bush I of being part of the "New World Order" before he even got to give that innocuous speech. Just for fun, I googled Chris Carter (creator of the paranoid sci-fi series The X-Files and Millennium) and Ron Paul. Here's what I got. (EDIT: That links to something else now, but here's another example.) These folks may live in a fantasy world, but hot-damn, it's an exciting fantasy world.

Investment Letter, May 1989: The new Bureau of Engraving and Printing facility in Fort Worth, Texas, is "appropriately evil-looking" and includes "a pyramid," which is either "an Illuminatist symbol" or symbolic of how the government thinks it's the pharaohs and we're the slaves (I guess until the next election). And the IRS audits even the poor! Because that sends a message that nobody's safe. Now take that valuable financial information and invest accordingly.

Political Report, May 1990: More from this edition can be found in the first post. Grandpa's off his meds again -- a Congressman is hailed for standing against the "gay lobby" because he decried the agenda of NAMBLA, once again conflating the consensual relationships of gay men and women with pedophilia. And plenty of racism after that part.

Political Report, June 1990: Another file that adds pages to a report also found in the first post, this has more of Ron's "race war" ranting (another post about that will be forthcoming, with original content!) and the assertion that a California women being forced to rent to unmarried couples, despite her Christian bigotry beliefs, was tantamount to "The Abolition of Private Property." (For more information on libertarianism being a property-worshiping cult, see this epic, fantastic post from last year at Naked Capitalism.)

Political Report, August 1990: Vile racism and anti-gay bigotry with plenty of violent overtones. Sure flies in the face of Paul's recent claim that there were only about "eight to ten bad sentences" in his monthly trash missives. There are more than that in just this newsletter alone.

Investment Letter, December 1990: Paul says, several months into a recession that would lose President Bush I his spot in the White House, that the economy is pretty good (so much for the Oracle of Lake Jackson), but we really need to worry about rampant abortions, spreading AIDS and of course, the race war. Thanks for the investment advice, Dr. Paul. Oh, and more "new money" insanity in this one.

Political Report, June 1991: This is surreal -- join Ron Paul at Bretton Woods II (the same thing most of his followers today denounce as a big "New World Order" conference) to dine on gourmet food and learn how to survive "new money, New World Order, new taxes and new disasters" -- "and have a great time doing it." In order to waste pay hundreds of dollars to do this, just call 800-RON-PAUL (seriously).

Political Report, August 1991: A reasonable questioning of the reasons behind Gulf War I quickly devolves into more NWO conspiracy mongering. Then we learn that "AIDS will be the most serious epidemic in American history" and insists it's being treated "not as a disease, but as some sort of civil rights question" (???) But you can buy a new book by nutjob Stanley K. Monteith (read some of his ravings here, if you dare) about "The Brotherhood of Promiscuity" (????)

Political Report, September 1992 Doc. 1 | Doc. 2: Anti-Fed, pro-gold bug ... President Clinton was a member of the "conspiratorial Anglo-American elite" ... Bush I ignored international law unless it served the "interests of the one-worlders" ... taking up for an ex-Nazi who would eventually be convicted as accessory to nearly 28,000 Jewish murders during the Holocaust ... advocating for black youths to be tried as adults, and for bank guards be allowed to "shoot on sight" ... (Doc. 2) Mainly notable for some hilarious criticism of the Reagan legacy from the right.

"Race Terrorism in America," undated, probably from 1992: A dozen pages of unbridled racist hate and a worthy candidate to be the founding document of Angry White Male syndrome. This unbridled fury in this essay is very difficult to read, and it goes on and on and on about "the blacks," their "hatred" of productive members of society, the complicity of "white liberals" and the media, blah, blah, blah. But the biggest reason to post this filth is the fact that right under the heading are three very important words:

"By Ron Paul"

Political Report, Month Unknown, 1992: Mostly notable for the item "What Blacks Think," which, if you've been reading along, is about what you'd expect. Hilariously, the very end of the item claims as "good news" the finding that among black people, "a majority (53%) favor the term 'black' to the term 'African American' (34%) or 'person of color' (7%)." But these trivial ethnonymic issues always matter so much to racists.

Survival Report, January 1993: Several pages here, so bear with me: Donna Shalala is described as a "short lesbian," and the Children's Defense Fund as "pinko." Civil war is looming in South Africa, and if it happens, the New World Order will swoop in, save the day and "turn over power to Communist fellow-traveler Mandela." Why care? Because gold bugs are worried about the "dewhiteization of South Africa."

Decrying boycotts against Colorado because it allowed discrimination against gays in employment and housing, stating that "gays also want to trample on heterosexuals' private property ... the gay community wants special privileges." Yeah, getting a job and and a home are such special privileges.

Taking up for racist homophobe Marge Schott, criticizing the Clintons for sending Chelsea to a private school -- before they'd made their decision, asserting that people naturally prefer racial segregation, asserting that if gays are "allowed in the military" (not serving openly; just serving at all), they "should be put in a special category and not allowed in close physical contact with heterosexuals."

Other stuff noted in the first post, on the shorter version of this file. Wow, I'm pretty sure there was more than "eight to 10 sentences of bad stuff" in that newsletter alone!

Survival Report, February 1994: ("Survival Report" sounds so much edgier, doesn't it?) Alleging that the Clintons had Vince Foster murdered, even though an investigation by the guy who would eventually give us "Lewinskygate" ruled it a suicide. The war on guns, the war on the Consumer Price Index. "Condoms don't protect against AIDS" (this in 1994?!) Plenty more lunacy besides.

Survival Report, March 1994: More AIDS conspiracy mongering, including that the "homosexual lobby" got the name changed from GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Black people in South Africa don't know how ATMs work; black people are about to cause a "holocaust" there; it matters because GOLD!!! (Implied) taking up for the Branch Davidians.

Survival Report, June 1994: Early on in the longest period of uninterrupted economic growth in U.S. history, Paul is quoting the market bears (because the right hates it when a Democrat is in the White House and the economy is good). President Clinton, in fact, is ramping up wiretapping because he's "determined to undermine financial privacy in this country." Black people support black-only institutions ("What if they made a WET - White Entertainment Television?" Actually, that parody is not far from what Paul actually says). More South Africa-NWO madness; more anti-Fed lunacy; Janet Reno was "the attorney general who approved the mass murder in Waco, Texas." Ever wondered where McVeigh got his ideas?

Survival Report, July 1994: Black people commit most of the crimes in this country, says the man who insists he's not racist. More anti-Fed stuff. More pro-Branch Davidians stuff. And "the bloody BATF have gone after another religious group," the Church Universal and Triumphant. You know, the kind of religious group that illegally stockpiles AR-15 semi-automatic rifles and armored personnel carriers (Google it!).

Survival Report, August 1994: The gubmint's a-comin' fer yer guns! Haitians are "poor, uneducated, and superstitious blacks, but ruled by an educated mulatto elite." Clinton's hiring "Royal Hong Kong Police to serve in federal 'law enforcement.'" You know, like King George with the Hessians. More Vince Foster conspiracy mongering.

Survival Report, September 1995: Conspiracy-theory-a-go-go! Waco, Ruby Ridge, Vince Foster and the Oklahoma City bombing, with a dash of New World Order.

Political Report, December 1996: Oh noes, Congress made Paul shut down his newsletter! That's okay though, you'll still get a bunch of other newsletters, like "my Ron Paul Freedom Report," published by a foundation "which I head." And the Triple R, which Ron grabs the minute it arrives in his mailbox and reads front to back, and which is "anti-socialist, anti-war, and anti-multicultural." By the way, Lew Rockwell has "worked with me for 12 years on this newsletter." But now, of course, we're to believe Paul had nothing to do with these things. Does this sound like a person who cares about the truth?

Survival Report, December 1996: Essentially a victory lap after Paul's election back into the Congress, where he promises to work on slashing taxes and "essentially all federal regulations" (but I liked Glass-Steagall!), followed by a regurgitation of the above newsletter.

Campaign donation solicitation letter, November 2007: In which Paul fantasizes he'll be running against Hillary Clinton in the '08 presidential election, then proceeds to rehash his bogus anti-Clinton conspiracy theories from 10 years prior.


Whew! I need a shower! As always, please feel free to send me stuff at the e-mail link over there >>>

And watch for my next post, which will be based on the fact that I asked a criminology expert quoted in one of Ron Paul's newsletters whether he was quoted accurately ... and got a great response.

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